重回大地之母的懷抱,歡迎蒞臨「甘丹林居」- Summary
Gandan Inn, in Yunlin County's Douliu, is encircled by country paths and lush orchards. With a spacious front lawn, it's perfect for gatherings. Enjoy wildlife, starlit nights, and activities like fishing or walking through orchards—a peaceful escape into nature.
The Space:
我們的微型屋 - The Space
優質的衛浴設施遵循生態永續發展原則,內有沖水馬桶、洗手台和淋浴設施 (瓦斯熱水器)。
Gandan Inn Is a comfortable accommodation of 139 square feet with easy access to water, split air conditioning, a kitchenette, cooking equipment, a flush toilet, hand basin, and shower (gas heated for hot showers) for your use.
The bathroom follows ecologically sustainable principles, focusing on satisfying people's needs with natural resources and processes to save water by using eco-friendly toilets to save the environment.
If you plan to spend your getaways here, we advise that you bring your basic necessities such as food and water during your stay with us. Thank you!
Guest Access:
Guests can enter the small house and its surrounding area. The first house on the left after entering the gate and the storage room on the rear left are restricted from access.
The Neighborhood:
微型屋距離知名的日月潭僅 1 小時的車程,交通十分便利,周邊有許多熱門景點,例如:46尺高的慈恩塔與水社碼頭是欣賞日月潭的絕佳位置;著名的文武廟年梯步道,能眺望日月潭的湖光山色,每逢考試季節,都會吸引大批學子前來祈福。假如你很愛爬山,千萬別錯過蘭潭風景區,蘭潭號稱嘉義後花園,有多條登山路線,是郊遊與賞鳥的好去處。又或是你比較喜歡靜態的室內活動,附近有座森林文創園區:檜意森活村,裡面有森林露營俱樂部,曾是阿里山林場的官邸,現為大型日式木造歷史建築群,也值得旅客前去探訪。攜帶孩童的旅客,可以前往嘉義公園與中台世界博物館,體驗親子同樂活動。晚上回到雲林還有斗六夜市,販賣各種常見夜市美食,像是烤玉米、烤土豆、炸雞、魷魚、滷味等,想吃什麼,應有盡有。
Gandan Inn offers easy access to an array of popular attractions, situated just an hour’s drive from the iconic Sun Moon Lake. Highlights include the towering 46-foot Ci'en Pagoda, renowned for its scenic vistas over Sun Moon Lake, and Shuishe Pier, the perfect spot to soak in the serene lake and mountain views.
The area attracts many students, especially during exam season. These students will flock to the golden-yellow Wenwu Temple and its Year of Steps to seek blessings.
For outdoor enthusiasts, the Lantan Scenic Area, dubbed Chiayi City’s backyard, features multiple hiking trails ideal for a day of trekking and picnicking amidst abundant natural beauty.
Alternatively, visit the Hinokie Village for a quieter visit. This cultural and creative park was formerly the official residence of Alishan Forestry Farm. It now showcases a large complex of historic Japanese-style wooden buildings and includes a forest camping club.
Families will enjoy visiting Chiayi Park and the Chung Tai World Museum for a variety of parent-child activities. As the day winds down, explore the Douliu Night Market in Yunlin. Here, an array of night market staples like roasted corn, roasted potatoes, fried chicken, squid, and traditional marinated dishes await.
Getting Around:
-距離南投市 38 公里,車程約半小時。
-距離附近的古坑鎮 8 公里,從台中出發只需 5 分鐘。
1. 從台北乘坐高鐵到雲林,車程 1 小時 40 分鐘,轉乘高鐵穿梭巴士到斗六,車程約 40 分鐘。然後乘坐出租車或租用共享單車到小房屋。
By car:
-The distance from Nantou City is 38 km, which takes half an hour.
-The distance to the nearby town (Gukeng) is 8km, which takes 5 minutes from Taichung.
-The distance from Kaohsiung to Yunlin is one and a half hours.
-It can be reached on a 2WD or 4WD.
By public transport;
1. Take the high-speed rail from Taipei to Yunlin for 1 hour and 40 minutes, then transfer to the high-speed rail shuttle bus to Douliu for about 40 minutes. After that, take a taxi or rent a shared bicycle to the tiny house.
Other Things to Note:
【房客須知】- Things to Note
- 無提供WiFi
- 提供烤肉架
- 請將垃圾分類回收
- 屋內嚴禁吸菸
- 限攜帶一隻寵物入內
- 攜帶寵物將額外收取300元的寵物清潔費用
- 禁止未經登記的訪客入內
- 因地處郊區,網路連線可能不穩定,敬請見諒
- 寵物不可上床和沙發,退房前請將寵物毛髮及排泄物清理乾淨
- 甘丹林居為寵物友善住宿,寵物入住須知將於房客抵達前寄出
- 未經業主同意,嚴禁私自採摘和損壞農作物和農產品。
- 離開微型屋時請記得關窗鎖門,保障安全
- 離開微型屋時請務必關閉電燈、冷氣和電子設備(如:充電器)
- 延長入住時間或延遲退房需額外付費
- 微型屋坐落於自然環境中,可能有野生動物出沒
- No WiFi
- Gas BBQ Grill is available
- Recyclable items must be sorted
- No smoking allowed on the property
- Pets are allowed but only limited to 1
- Please note that the pet cleaning fee of 300 NTD will be charged additionally for bringing pet.
- No unregistered guests or visitors are allowed
- Please expect limited connectivity as the tiny house is set in a rural locality
- Pets are not allowed on beds and sofas and clean after your pet’s droppings
- Please note that this is a PET-FRIENDLY property, and pet policies will be sent prior to arrival
- Private picking and damage of crops and produce are strictly prohibited, unless with given consent from the host.
- Please clean up after your pet’s shedding before checking out courtesy of other guests
- Mobile reception is good for Hi-Net, Taiwan Mobile, Seednet and Asia Pacific Telecom (APTG), Taiwan Star Telecom, and VIBO. Taiwan Fixed Network has no signals.
Important note :
- Don’t forget to close the windows and lock doors when leaving the tiny house/ property
- Make sure to turn off the lights, air conditioning, and electronics (e.g., especially chargers)
- We would like to advise guests that longer stays or later check-outs will incur an additional charge
- Due to the nature of the property, abundant wildlife may be present on the property.
Interaction with Guests:
Guests will enjoy your own private space but we are always happy to chat with you.