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Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer

Fotogalerie von Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer

Kühlschrank, Mikrowelle, Ofen, Herdplatte
Am Strand, Liegestühle, Strandtücher
Speisen im Freien


10 von 10.

Ganzes Ferienhaus

4 Schlafzimmer4 BadezimmerPlatz für 8 Gäste409 m²

Beliebte Annehmlichkeiten

  • Parkplätze verfügbar
  • Waschmaschine
  • Grill
  • Klimaanlage
  • Küche
  • Wäschetrockner

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Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer

Casa Nirvanita ist das Haupthaus in Nirvanita de Osa, dem kleinen biologischen Juwel unserer Familie seit 35 Jahren. Das Haus befindet sich vor dem Strand, in der letzten Bucht südwestlich von Drake Bay, an der südpazifischen Küste von Costa Rica.
Nirvanita de Osa ist ein wunderschönes 23 Hektar großes Grundstück mit 440 Metern Küste und 4 klaren Bächen, die das ganze Jahr über von der Farm zum Meer fließen (3 werden auf dem Grundstück geboren).

Es gibt ungefähr 3 Hektar (7,5 Morgen) verschiedener Obstbäume, einschließlich Mango, Rambutan, Sternfrucht, Mamey, kolumbianischer Zapote, 2 Arten von Brotfrüchten, malaysischem Wasserapfel, Arazá, Fruta Milagrosa, 3 Arten von Bananen, Orangen, Cashewnüssen, 5 Arten von Kokosnüssen; und andere Pflanzen.(Die Verfügbarkeit hängt von der Jahreszeit und dem Wildtierwettbewerb ab.)
Es gibt reife tropische Gärten und etwa 3 Hektar 50 Jahre alten Sekundärregenwald. Der Rest besteht aus einigen der berühmten Primärregenwälder der Osa-Halbinsel (die als einer der höchsten der Welt gelten), die nur wenige Kilometer entfernt mit dem Corcovado-Nationalpark verbunden sind.

Das Haus, das etwa 410 m2 ist; wurde von uns und unserem Architekten entworfen, um einen einfachen, weitläufigen, offenen und luxuriösen Unterschlupf zu bieten, der sich in die wunderschöne Umgebung einfügt und gut mit dem Meer, den umliegenden Bäumen und Bächen zusammenarbeitet, um kühl und komfortabel zu bleiben.
Es verfügt über eine natürliche Klimaanlage mit Dachwassernebelkühlung, die wir selten verwenden, da das Haus kühl bleibt von der Meeresbrise, die durch es fließt, und den riesigen Bäumen, die es umgeben und beschatten.

Es ist ein einzigartiges Haus am Strand, 70 m vom Sand am Strand von Las Caletas entfernt und günstig zu allen anderen Stränden, Inseln, Parks und allen anderen Abenteuern in Drake Bay und Bahia Ballena gelegen.

Das Haus hat im ersten Stock die Küche, Wohn- und Esszimmer und ein komplettes Badezimmer. Im zweiten Stock finden Sie die 3 Schlafzimmer mit einem Kingsize-Bett und 2 Queensize-Betten sowie ein eigenes Badezimmer, die von jedem Zimmer aus einen sehr schönen Blick auf das Meer oder den Wald bieten. (Es gibt 2 große Kinderbetten, die in jedem der Schlafzimmer verwendet werden können)

Es wird seit vielen Jahren mit einer Kombination aus Micro-Hydro und Solar betrieben, wurde jedoch kürzlich zur Sicherung und Energiespeicherung an das Stromnetz angeschlossen.

Unser Haus ist offen, mit nur halben Wänden (die geschlossen werden können) und keinen Bildschirmen (obwohl alle Betten hochwertige Netzüberdachungen haben, die wir selten benutzen müssen). Alles in allem ist unser Haus ein Teil der natürlichen Umgebung.
Naturliebhaber lieben unser Haus, aber wenn Sie sich mit der Natur nicht wohl fühlen, ist dies wahrscheinlich nicht der Urlaubsort für Sie.

Es ist ein Ort zum Trennen (es gibt ein Mobiltelefon und 3g Internet, aber es ist 70-90% der Zeit verfügbar und manchmal langsam),

Casa Nirvanita ist ein Ort, an dem Sie ernsthafte Hängematten üben oder trainieren, sich entspannen, entspannen und die Ruhe, natürliche Schönheit und Gelassenheit genießen können.

Es gibt ein paar Kajaks für Ihren Genuss. (1 Einzel-, 1 Doppel-) und 2 Stand-Up-Paddle-Boards.

Wir können Ihnen bei der Organisation von Touren behilflich sein: Reiten, Canopy und Zip Line durch den Wald, nächtliche Waldspaziergänge, Boote und Führer, die Sie zur Wal- und Delfinbeobachtung bringen, zu den Nationalparks Corcovado oder Isla del Caño, zum Sportfischen oder zu einem der folgenden andere Spaß- und Abenteueraktivitäten in der Umgebung.

Die Osa-Halbinsel wurde von einigen Botanikern aufgrund ihrer großen Vielfalt an Pflanzen- und Tierarten als "Galapagos von Mesoamerika" bezeichnet. Die Osa hat höchstwahrscheinlich noch viel mehr Geheimnisse über ihre Flora und Fauna zu enthüllen, da nur etwa 75% der Arten, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie hier existieren, erfasst wurden.

Mit seinem einzigartigen Klima beherbergt The Osa im Gegensatz zu jedem anderen Gebiet über Hunderte von Kilometern in jede Richtung bis zu 500 verschiedene Baumarten, von denen mindestens 4 Arten nur auf der Osa-Halbinsel existieren. Daher ist es sehr wichtig, den Wald intakt zu halten .

Die Osa-Halbinsel hat die größte Ausdehnung eines tropischen Tieflandregenwaldes an der Pazifikküste Mittelamerikas und gilt als einer der höchsten tropischen Regenwälder der Welt.

Die Osa-Halbinsel ist einer der biologisch vielfältigsten Orte der Erde. Es ist die Heimat von über 375 Vogelarten (einschließlich mehrerer endemischer Arten). Es hat die größte Population von Scharlachroten Aras in Mittelamerika, 117 Reptilienarten und über 10.000 Insektenarten.

Herden von Aras, Tukanen, Papageien, Affen von vier verschiedenen Arten, Nasenbären, Kinkajous, Agoutis und Faultieren sind häufig zu sehen.

Pekaris und von Zeit zu Zeit sogar Dschungelkatzen (wie Pumas, Jaguarundis, Ozelots und sehr selten Jaguare) können vom aufmerksamen Beobachter entdeckt werden.

Drake Bay

Drake Bay (Bahia Drake) liegt am nördlichen Ende der Osa-Halbinsel in der Provinz Puntarenas. Die winzige Stadt Agujitas in der Bucht, wahrscheinlich eines der bekanntesten Reiseziele in der Region, war viele Jahre lang einer der am leichtesten zugänglichen Orte im ganzen Land, aber das hat sich in letzter Zeit geändert.

Es gibt einen kleinen Flughafen in der Bucht mit mehreren täglichen Flügen von San Jose und Puerto Jimenez.

Mehrere tägliche öffentliche Boote machen jetzt die schöne 90-minütige Fahrt von Sierpe am Morgen gegen 11 Uhr und um 1 Uhr gegen 15 Uhr.

Der Straßenzugang zur Bucht vom Golfo Dulce ist lang, aber schön und das ganze Jahr über befahrbar.

Sie können einen Tagesausflug nach Drake Bay machen, es werden jedoch mindestens 2-7 Tage empfohlen.

Nachdem Drake Bay 1579 während seiner Weltumrundung von Sir Francis Drake 'entdeckt' wurde, ist er nun das Tor zur Insel Isla del Caño und zum Corcovado-Nationalpark.

In der Umgebung gibt es zahlreiche Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Kajakfahren, Kanufahren auf dem Fluss, Reiten, Wandern, Surfen, Schwimmen, Schnorcheln, Tauchen und Seilrutschen. Vogelbeobachtung und Fotografie sind auch in der Bucht und an den Stränden sehr beliebt. Die Insel Caño bietet einige der besten Schnorchel- und Tauchmöglichkeiten in ganz Costa Rica.

Nirvanita de Osa ist wahrscheinlich das schönste und privateste Strandgrundstück in Drake Bay.

Der Marino Ballena National Park ist nach den Buckelwalen benannt, die jedes Jahr hierher ziehen, um ihre Jungen im warmen Wasser zu paaren und zu kalben, bevor sie in die kalten Gewässer im Norden oder Süden zurückkehren. Diese Walart wird Buckelwale genannt, weil sie vor dem Abtauchen den Rücken auf der Oberfläche krümmt.

Wale aus der südlichen Hemisphäre sind von August bis Oktober hier, und Wale aus der nördlichen Hemisphäre kommen später und bleiben von Dezember bis April länger.

Das Lied vom Buckelwal ist ein sehr einzigartiges Phänomen in der Natur. Das Männchen gibt eine Melodie aus einer Reihe einzigartiger Klänge ab, die Musikinstrumenten ähneln. Der Mann kann fast 15 Minuten lang singen, und wenn sein Lied fertig ist, wiederholt er das Lied normalerweise fast genau das gleiche, manchmal bis zu einer Stunde lang. Diese wunderbaren Lieder werden bis zu mehreren Kilometern durch den Ozean wandern, sodass dieses faszinierende Verhalten beim Schwimmen, Schnorcheln oder Tauchen im Marino Ballena National Park, im Corcovado National Park und in der Drake Bay zu hören ist.

Während dieser zwei getrennten Drake Bay Whale Watching-Jahreszeiten können Sie jedes Jahr einige der verschiedenen schönen Wale und Delfine sehen und mit ihnen interagieren, die in das warme Wasser um Drake Bay wandern, um ihre Jungen zu kalben. Viele der Buckelwale der Welt werden in den Gewässern der Osa-Halbinsel gezeugt oder geboren.

Walbeobachtungen sind in den Gewässern der Region Osa bis Puerto Jimenez im südlichen Teil der Halbinsel üblich. Die wichtigsten Walbeobachtungsmonate sind Januar bis April, dicht gefolgt von Juli bis Oktober. Nährstoffreiche und warme Gewässer der Osa-Halbinsel ziehen auch Pottwale, Grindwale, Brydewale, Killerwale und falsche Killerwale an.

In den Gewässern des Parks, der Drake Bay, des Golfo Dulce und des nahe gelegenen Festlandsockels können große Delfinschulen mit vielen Arten gespielt werden.



Der 41.000 Hektar große Corcovado-Nationalpark ist als Kronjuwel des costaricanischen Nationalparksystems bekannt. Es schützt 13 wichtige Lebensräume des Ökosystems, darunter einen Bergwald, der mehr als die Hälfte des Parks bedeckt, einen Nebelwald in der höchsten Region, der reich von Eichen und Baumfarnen bevölkert ist, Sumpfwälder, die praktisch das ganze Jahr über überflutet sind Yolillo-Wald, der von Palmen dominiert wird, ein Mangrovensumpf an den Flussmündungen der Flüsse Corcovado, Llorona und Sirena sowie ein krautiger Süßwassersumpf. In den Parklandschaften leben rund 500 Baumarten, was einem Viertel aller Baumarten in Costa Rica entspricht. Der Corcovado-Nationalpark enthält ungefähr 140 Säugetierarten, geschätzte 375 Vogelarten, 117 Amphibien- und Reptilienarten, 40 Arten von Süßwasserfischen, und es gibt schätzungsweise 6.000 Arten von Insekten. Alle vier costaricanischen Affenarten sind im Park zu sehen, darunter der vom Aussterben bedrohte Totenkopfäffchen, der Kapuziner mit dem weißen Gesicht, der Mantelheuler und der Klammeraffe. Andere Säugetiere sind Faultiere mit zwei und drei Zehen, nördliche Tamandua, der seidige Ameisenbär, Agoutis, Tayras und Coatimundi. Es gibt eine große Vielfalt an Vogelarten mit Trogons, Tigerreihern, Guans, Falken, Tanagern, Papageien, Tukanen und zwei verschiedenen Ara-Arten. Alle vier in Costa Rica nistenden Meeresschildkrötenarten besuchen auch die Strände von Corcovado. Über 40 Froscharten, darunter rotäugige Baum-, Regen-, Glas-, Dink- und Giftpfeilsorten, Dutzende Schlangen, darunter verschiedene Boas, und der Buschmeister, 28 Eidechsenarten und mehr als 100 Schmetterlingsarten nennen die Osa Halbinsel zu Hause.

(Übrigens: Wir suchen auch nach möglichen Partnern oder Investoren, um die Immobilie bei Interesse sorgfältig zu entwickeln.)


Germán Llano or Clara Fernandez


Englisch, Spanisch

Ausstattung der Unterkunft


  • Strandnähe
  • Liegestühle
  • Strandtücher


  • Massagen


  • Im Haus verfügbar: kostenloser Internetzugang per WLAN

Parkmöglichkeiten und Transfer

  • Auto nicht erforderlich
  • Parkplätze vor Ort


  • Eiswürfelbereiter
  • Gewürze
  • Herdplatte
  • Kaffeemühle
  • Kochgeschirr, Geschirr und Besteck
  • Kühlschrank
  • Mikrowelle
  • Mixer
  • Ofen
  • Toaster
  • Wasserkocher
  • Wasserkocher für Kaffee/Tee

Gastronomisches Angebot

  • Esstisch


  • 4 Schlafzimmer
  • Bettwäsche wird bereitgestellt
  • Schlafsofa


  • 4 Badezimmer
  • Badewanne oder Dusche
  • Dusche
  • Handtücher werden bereitgestellt
  • Seife
  • Toilettenpapier


  • Esstisch
  • Kamin
  • Wohnzimmer


  • Bücher


  • Balkon
  • Garten
  • Grill


  • Waschmaschine
  • Waschsalon in der Nähe


  • Klimaanlage


  • Keine Haustiere erlaubt


  • Ausgewiesene Raucherbereiche
  • Hinweis vom Gastgeber: Outside the house

Serviceleistungen und Annehmlichkeiten

  • Safe

Attraktionen des Ortes

  • Direkt am Wasser gelegen
  • In der Nähe der Bucht gelegen
  • In ländlicher Umgebung gelegen
  • In Meernähe gelegen


  • Kajak
  • Schiff
  • Wassersportausrüstung
  • Angeln in der Nähe
  • Bergsteigen in der Nähe
  • Kajakfahren in der Nähe
  • Möglichkeiten zum Kanufahren in der Nähe
  • Motorbootfahren in der Nähe
  • Naturwanderungen in der Nähe
  • Öko-Touren in der Nähe
  • Reitmöglichkeiten in der Nähe
  • Schnorcheln in der Nähe
  • Schwimmen in der Nähe
  • Segeln in der Nähe
  • Tauchmöglichkeiten in der Nähe
  • Vogelbeobachtung in der Nähe
  • Walbeobachtung in der Nähe
  • Wander-/Radwege in der Nähe


  • Kein Kohlenmonoxidmelder angegeben (der Gastgeber hat nicht angegeben, ob in der Unterkunft ein Kohlenmonoxidmelder vorhanden ist; bringe ggf. einen tragbaren Melder mit)
  • Kein Rauchmelder angegeben (der Gastgeber hat nicht angegeben, ob in der Unterkunft ein Rauchmelder vorhanden ist)


  • Garten
  • Größe der Wohneinheit: 409 Quadratmeter

Ähnliche Unterkünfte



Der Check-in beginnt um 15:00 Uhr
Mindestalter für den Check-in: 21 Jahre


Check-out vor 10:00 Uhr

Hinweise zum Check-in

Du erhältst vom Gastgeber eine E-Mail mit Angaben zu Check-in und Check-out.


Haustiere sind nicht erlaubt.

Kinder und Zustellbetten

Kinder sind herzlich willkommen
Hinweis vom Gastgeber: caution with children, open sides dstairs 3 levels

Wichtige Informationen


Diese Unterkunft wird von einem privaten Gastgeber verwaltet (eine Partei, die nicht im Rahmen ihrer gewerblichen, geschäftlichen oder beruflichen Tätigkeit handelt). Das EU-Verbraucherrecht, einschließlich Widerrufsrecht, gilt nicht für deine Buchung, sie wird jedoch von den vom privaten Gastgeber festgelegten Stornierungsbedingungen abgedeckt.
Für zusätzliche Personen fallen möglicherweise Gebühren an, die abhängig von den Bestimmungen der Unterkunft variieren können.
Beim Check-in werden ggf. ein Lichtbildausweis und eine Kreditkarte, Debitkarte oder Kaution in bar für unvorhergesehene Aufwendungen verlangt.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit beim Check-in wird versucht, Sonderwünschen entgegenzukommen, sie können jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Eventuell fallen zusätzliche Gebühren an.
Partys und Veranstaltungen sind auf dem Gelände der Unterkunft gestattet 
Hinweis vom Gastgeber: Within reason
Der Gastgeber hat nicht angegeben, ob es in der Unterkunft einen Kohlenmonoxidmelder gibt; wir empfehlen, einen tragbaren CO-Melder mitzubringen
Der Gastgeber hat nicht angegeben, ob es in der Unterkunft einen Rauchmelder gibt
Diese Unterkunft wird von unserem Partner FeWo-direkt/Vrbo verwaltet. Du erhältst eine E-Mail von FeWo-direkt/Vrbo mit einem Link zu deinem Kundenkonto, in dem du deine Buchung ändern oder stornieren kannst.

Was wir noch erwähnen sollten

Für die Anreise zu dieser Unterkunft ist kein Auto erforderlich

Die Unterkunft ist auch bekannt als

Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea House Bahia Drake
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea House
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea Bahia Drake
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea House Bahia Drake
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea House
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea Bahia Drake
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea House
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea Bahia Drake
Casa Nirvanita Little Biological Jewel Sea
Casa Nirvanita A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea
Casa Nirvanita A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea
Casa Nirvanita - A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea Drake Bay
Casa Nirvanita A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea
Vrbo Property
Casa Nirvanita A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea
Casa Nirvanita - A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea Drake Bay

Zur Gegend

Bahia Drake, Puntarenas

In der Umgebung

  • Playa Danta - 15 Gehminuten
  • Wanderweg an der Bahía Drake - 15 Autominuten
  • School & Soccer Field - 16 Autominuten
  • Drake Bay Beach (Strand) - 95 Autominuten
  • Playa Colorada - 98 Autominuten

Fortbewegung vor Ort

  • Flughafen Drake Bay (DRK) – 151 Fahrminuten


  • ‪Restaurante Casa El Tortugo - ‬18 Autominuten
  • ‪La Choza - ‬17 Autominuten
  • ‪Mar y Bosque - ‬17 Autominuten
  • ‪RestauranteDelicias Bahía Drake - ‬17 Autominuten
  • ‪Roberto's Marisquería - ‬16 Autominuten

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Ist Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer haustierfreundlich?

Nein, in dieser Unterkunft sind Haustiere nicht erlaubt.

Wann ist der Check-in bei Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer?

Check-in ab: 15:00 Uhr.

Wann ist der Check-out bei Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer?

Check-out ist um 10:00 Uhr.

Wo befindet sich Casa Nirvanita - Ein kleines biologisches Juwel am Meer?

Dieses Ferienhaus liegt am Strand und ist dank der hervorragenden Lage (Drake Bay) nur 2 km entfernt von: Península de Osa und Playa Danta. Ebenfalls nur bis zu 3 km entfernt: Playa San Josecito und Cocalito.

Bewertungen von Casa Nirvanita - A Little Biological Jewel by the Sea




36 von insgesamt 38 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 10 - Hervorragend
2 von insgesamt 38 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 8 - Gut
0 von insgesamt 38 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 6 - Okay
0 von insgesamt 38 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 4 - Schlecht
0 von insgesamt 38 Gästebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 2 - Ungenügend




10/10 – Hervorragend


Gut: Sauberkeit
Beautiful Slice of Heaven
Casa Nirvanita is a very special place! It's set back into the jungle yet steps away from the beach. It is both relaxing yet exciting to be so close to the wildlife of the jungle. Beauty is everywhere you look from the breathtaking colors of the flower all around to the different shades of green in the jungle, to the quiet sandy beach. Our favorite part was hearing the pounding surf of the ocean wherever we were in the house! Clara & German were so kind & helpful. They are both sweet souls, & it's evident they love their home & wanted us to feel the same. & we did fall in love with it! They set up our excursions for us & made sure we had everything we needed. They were close by when we needed something but not so close we felt smothered. The house was equipped with everything we needed for the 5 nights we were there. We were picked up at the airport & taken to the store to get our groceries for the week. It was easy & worked out well. It was hard to leave, it was such a memorable week. We will try to bring some of the restful, peaceful time we had there back with us! Thank you German & Clara for sharing your beautiful home with us & for being such thoughtful hosts! We will not forget you!
Aufenthalt von 5 Nächten im August 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Ingrid S., Owen Sound, Canada

Gut: Sauberkeit
I travelled with my husband, 2 kids (4 +10), brother, girlfriend & 13 yr old son. The house is a gem. Well protected but absolutely open. Loved sleeping to the sounds of the waves rolling in, the birds/frogs/cicadas... Monkeys, toucans, macaws, crabs, marine toads, frogs... all right there on the property. The beach is amazing and water incredibly warm. Our boys spent many hours just tumbling in the waves every day. The property is right on the drake bay trail so you can do day trips from here in either direction. We also did day trips to Corcavado & Cano island - both of which were amazing. We would have loved to have done a night hike but unfortunately it had to be cancelled - we went out every night on our own to try to spot nighttime creatures - spiders, frogs, and crabs. We had pre-ordered food to be delivered to the house and were very happily surprised to receive everything we asked for and really good quality too! Drake Bay has lots of supplies available too. And there was no shortage of mangos and fruits all around to make delicious smoothies with. We rented a Toyota landcruiser from Nomad America in San Jose and drove ourselves to the property - it took ~7 hours. The conditions of the road were no problem but the last 2 hours are bumpy and we were glad to arrive before sunset. This made for a long trip but we were happy to have our own car there to explore with. One drawback was not having a dryer (or washer - less of an issue as we brought a bar of detergent to hand wash some stuff which was fine). We went in May which is the start of the rainy season. There is a drying station which works well when the sun is out, but sometimes takes a few days! I would highly recommend bringing mostly quick-dry clothing and bringing enough changes without relying on reusing as much. We did get some bug bites particularly at dusk but honestly the bugs weren't bad (coming from Canada where black flies/moskitos terrorize spring/summer nights!). Avon skin so soft oil spray did seem to help with the noseeums. We used the provided bug nets on the beds at night. The house breathes incredibly well and there are fans in nearly every room. The hot water is in limited supply but who needs a hot shower in that hot climate? You want to cool off anyways! German and Clara were amazing. I wish we could have spent more time hearing about the history of the house and property. This place is not for everyone, but it was exactly what we wanted!
Aufenthalt von 9 Nächten im Mai 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Hock L.

Gut: Sauberkeit
True Nirvana!
Casa Nivanita is an exceptional house set on an extraordinary property. Every detail of the house has been designed with both beauty and environmental awareness in mind. It provided our family of six (two children) a perfect haven for relaxation and access to beach play. The nearby trails are home to tropical plants, animals, streams and amazing vistas. We enjoyed every minute of our stay!
Aufenthalt von 5 Nächten im April 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Rudi B., Boulder, Colorado

Gut: Sauberkeit
Peaceful family retreat with new found family!
We are ready to return! We are so fortunate to have found Nirvanita, German, Clara, and everyone! We were treated as family and had the most wonderful stay at their magical retreat. We are a family of seven, with 5 kids between 11-17. We were all awed by the wildlife, the working farm and ecological oasis, the beautiful beach, and our lovely hosts. Thank you, Clara and German!
Aufenthalt von 10 Nächten im März 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Michael M.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Absolutely amazing place
Experience life in the tropical forest with the sound of the surf. Definitely for the travelers that want to get off the beaten path, but not for ones that are looking for the luxury resort experience. It will be an experience you will never forget. The trip by road or boat is an adventure it’s self. Expect a few frogs, lizards and insects to pass through. The place is beautifully designed and well equipped. Beach and water is great for swimming. Need to spend at least 4 nights to allow for enough time for you to settle into the lifestyle. Their is a trail that runs the length of the peninsula at the edge of the beach. Great for day hikes or getting to town. A boat ride to the nature preserve and hike with a local guide is also a must.
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im Januar 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Jonathan G.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Beauty and magic
Beauty and magic. First, the hosts, German and Clara. Columbian expats who began creating this paradise 40 years ago. They are warm, fascinating, gracious, and unforgettable. The house is like nothing we have ever experienced and hard to describe. It looks and functions like a luxury house - tile and hardwood, much of it from one giant tree German had hauled down from the surrounding mountains. Full refrigerator/freezer, oven, stovetop, coffeemaker, microwave. . .multiple sitting areas, bedrooms, bathrooms. But other than bathrooms and bedrooms, no doors. And no windows. Which means you are really in the rainforest. And because you're 100 feet from the an essentially private beach that's as beautiful as any other we saw in Costa Rica, you can hear the sound of rain on the big, rubbery leaves of the trees and the sound of waves all at once. Like a mashup of the beach and rainforest scenes on Mindblowing and deeply relaxing. The property is part of a primary rainforest, complete with its own waterfall, countless fruit trees, ginger, heliconia, giant trees hundreds of years old. One morning, we woke up to see a troop of whitefaced monkeys swinging around and eating from a fruit tree right outside our bedroom. Another evening, we watched a pair of scarlet macaws perch and eat. Another afternoon, we walked down the beach path that runs right outside the house, stretches for dozens of miles, and serves as the highway for getting around Drake Bay. Within 10 minutes, we came across a large troop of spider monkeys and then an even larger troop of whiteface monkeys. It was like we had parachuted into a David Attenborough nature documentary. And that's just the stuff we did around the house. One day we hiked 20 kilometers near San Pedrillo in Corcovado with Carlos, a Costa Rican turned US Army Ranger, turned naturalist and spiritual guide. Another day we went to Sirena with Sandro, a Corcovado native, who has helped reinvent the local economy as an ecotourism hub after much of the Cost Rican meat industry collapsed and his family had to hunt and forage to survive. One evening we went on a night hike across the Casa Nirvanita property with Gustavo to spot snakes, frogs and other creepy crawlies. German and Clara arranged almost all of it. I could keep writing, but I'll exhaust your patience. If you're looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, this is it.
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im Juni 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

Lee N., Leavenworth

Gut: Sauberkeit
Tropical Paradise with a spectacular home.
First off the owners, Clara and Germán are absolutely a joy to have as your owner/hosts. They are so helpful in assisting with any arrangements you may need. They arranged for the Corcovado tour boat to stop on the beach in front of the house and pick us up and drop us off so we didn't have to drive into town. The beach is lovely and quiet and was safe for swimming while we were staying there. The Custom built timber house is truly custom, with a main floor that has the lounging areas, kitchen/dining all in a open design with no doors or windows and the upstairs has the bedrooms with their own full bathrooms. All the bedrooms and baths have doors and are open with no windows so the breeze can flow through. We had a wonderful time staying there and meeting Clara and Germán and highly recommend it!
Aufenthalt von 3 Nächten im März 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Werner G.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Delightful experience
Casa Nirvanita is set close to a beautiful beach cove and for us was one of serenity, relaxation, mystery and remoteness. The 4 of us had a fantastic experience, swimming in the safe waters of the beach cove, hiking from the property, listening to the surf, swinging in the hammocks, walking the property with Herman and Clara learning about the flora and fauna and watching the nightly sunset from the beach. Chairs included. My brother in law was worried about the house being open to the elements which proved to be no worry but a delight. There were no insects to speak of. Herman and Clara were warm and welcoming hosts that shared their love of the place. A favorite memory besides meeting our hosts was the Morpho butterflies that would float down the stream and waterfall behind the house. The property not only has easy access to various activities by boat pickup but the coast trail to the Corcovado National Park is outside the gate along the beach in front of the house. We would come again in a heartbeat
Aufenthalt von 5 Nächten im Februar 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Basil S.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Fantastic home in paradise with the most amazing and welcoming hosts
Everything about this trip was incredible for me, my wife and three girls (10, 9, 9) First, the home. Casa Nirvanita simply could not have been more wonderful. I’ve never seen anything of it’s kind, mixing immersion in a rainforest on the edge of a pristine beach with all the comforts and stunning architecture. You can chill around the house and beach or chose epic adventures Second, the environs and epic adventures. The beach was simply the best we saw in Drake Bay and we basically had it to ourselves. It also became the gateway to excursions all around the area (Cano island snorkeling, hikes into the rainforest, walks to the village, horseback rides, zip lines, etc). And there is nothing in CR like Drake Bay— the best of the best and wild! Lastly, and most importantly, were the hosts. Germán and Clara are magical, warm and special people who truly care about making the world a better place— and they clearly have, having already led such meaningful lives. They went above and beyond to help with logistics of the trip and the excursions. And we feel fortunate to have spent “Mañana Standard Time” (credit German) with them over drinks, tours of their land, and talks on the beach. My girls had tears when we left— a sure sign of a meaningful stay. We hope to return very soon. Gracias Germán y Clara!
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Februar 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend

Bill L.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Closest thing to paradise
As long as you have the right expectations, Casa Nirvanita is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind experience. My wife and I have been in Costa Rica for a little more than a year, and we have been fortunate to see a lot of this amazing country. On most of our trips we have stayed in VRBO homes where we could easily walk to restaurants and shops. Casa Nirvanita is not that. It is an incredible house on an indescribably beautiful, secluded beach on Drake Bay. There are no restaurants or shops nearby, and very few people. Mostly just you and the jungle and the beach. The house is beautiful and unique. There are no doors, other than in the interior, for the bedrooms and bathrooms. It has a nice, big kitchen with everything you need to prepare meals. The bedrooms are comfortable, and the fans provide enough breeze that we didn't miss having A/C. Because the walls are open to the outside, bugs are free to come and go, and the bug nets over the beds are a necessity. The master bedroom looks out toward the water, with beautiful trees that attract toucans and macaws in the morning. Listening to the waves crash on the beach is a perfect way to fall asleep. we came to Drake Bay by boat from Sierpe. It's a 45 min ride through an estuary lined with mangroves, then 20 more min on the ocean. We told the boat driver that we were going to Casa Nirvanita and they dropped us off on the beach in front of the house. The owners, Germán and Clara, met us on the beach with staff members who carried all our stuff to the house. Germán and Clara live in their own house on the property. They are wonderful people who will be as engaged in your stay as you want them to be. I traded several emails with Germán before our visit. He took us on a couple walks around the property and told us about the interesting history of how they came to own it. A couple tips if you will be staying at Casa Nirvanita: - Arrange your visit to Corcovado well in advance. (I was too late) - Bring soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. We had not brought soap or shampoo, and ended up borrowing some from Clara. A suggestion for Germán and Clara would be to keep a supply on hand. We stayed 3 days and loved it. Germán arranged for the boat to come pick us up, and on the morning we were leaving we got a special treat. Several baby tortoises had hatched and were struggling to cross the beach to the water. It was a perfect end to a perfect 3 days in paradise.
Aufenthalt von 3 Nächten im Januar 2020

10/10 – Hervorragend


Great wildlife experience, front yard is amazing!
Magical family vacations, sharing life with Ara macaw, monkey , toucan, colibri etc... Amazing beach steps from the house!
Aufenthalt von 6 Nächten im April 2017

10/10 – Hervorragend

Janet M.

A one of a kind experience . . . .
If you are looking for an adventure, beautiful garden surroundings and ocean views with a personable Tico hospitality, this is the place to stay. Clara and German made good on their #1 objective to see that we had a delightful and trouble free stay. Osa Peninsula is an activity paradise. Clara made all the arrangements with knowledgeable experience and downright entertaining guides. We took advantage of a night walk checking out creepy crawly creatures and poisonous toads ( don’t worry they don’t attack humans), snorkeling at Cano Island seeing schools of Jack fish, a day trip to the Corcovado Sirena entrance spotting all four local monkeys, zip lines across 13 platforms in the primary and secondary rain forest, and a hike up a river to a majestic waterfall topped by an onsite lunch with fresh pineapple juice and pan fried carp. The day trips include lunch and the kitchen is well equipped for preparing meals and recuperating from the day’s adventures in the beauty of their spacious casa. It is an experience of a lifetime. Coming from the desert and acclimating to the humidity was a challenge, but the fans and open air design make you comfortable. All so amazing. Many thanks to Clara and German. Pura Vida.
Aufenthalt von 5 Nächten im März 2017

10/10 – Hervorragend

carmen g.

Came as strangers...left as friends
We stayed at Casa Nirvanita for 10 absolutely wonderful days. This was our second trip to the Drake Bay area and we will definitely will becoming back next year. Unlike other places we have stayed in the past, Casa Nirvanita more than exceeded our expectations. First and foremost German and Clara were outstanding hosts and went above and beyond to make our stay enjoyable. One of the many highlights of our trip was getting to know them over fresh grilled fish and drinks. Their advise on provisions, transportation arrangements and activities were all excellent. The house was beautiful, comfortable and very functional. We enjoyed the cool breezes in the master bedroom, the multiple hammocks and the very well organized kitchen. The beach was only 50 meters from the house and was beautiful and usually private. We used Casa Nirvanita as our hub for several day trips to include snorkeling at Cano Island, fishing with Captain Willy on the Reel Escape and hikes through the national park to Rio Claro and Drake Bay. On days we didn't have activities planned we enjoyed relaxing on the beach or fishing from the kayak provided by German. Highly recommend fishing with Captain Willy early in your trip, as we brought home enough fish to feed a small village. Also had good luck fishing from the kayak on the rocks 100 yards off the beach. Be sure to ask German to show you their whole property. We felt it was even more beautiful than the Corcovado National Park. German is a wealth of knowledge on the local flora of the region. We came as strangers and left as friends. So looking forward to next year at Casa Nirvanita!!
Aufenthalt von 10 Nächten im Februar 2017

10/10 – Hervorragend

Shelley C., Victoria BC

A great escape
As a group of friends we loved the location. German and Clara were fabulous hosts. Highly recommend. Loved the isolation and the beach.

10/10 – Hervorragend

michael d.

Casa Nirvanita is true Pura Vida!
What a spectacular setting for a family vacation! We were treated like family by the owners German and Clara. They greeted us on arrival to the beach on our boat taxi. The beautiful open house sits in the trees next to the beach. They had fresh tropical flowers from the yard placed throughout the house. You awaken to the sounds of the waves and birds each morning. There are a pair of tucans that frequent one of the trees right outside the master bedroom. You can see the ocean from the bedroom upstairs. From the main level you see the many tropical flowers and can listen to the waves from one of the hammocks in the house (that is where our two teenage kids spent a lot of their time). Hummingbirds would routinely fly through the house in the morning. I sat on the beach after we arrived and a family of monkeys played on the beach right next to me The owners (who live in the original house next door) graciously helped us with setting up tours of the area. They even set up a last minute horseback trip on the beach Christmas day for my wife and daughter. The guide came to the house on the beach and they left from there. The tours basically leave from the house. They pick you up by boat from a landing area just up the beach or to the zip line by 4wd road a short hike up the beach the other way. Snorkeling on Cano island was fun but don't expect to see much coral like in Belize. We had a great guide, Gabriel, from Pirate cove that took us around Corcovado on 2 hikes with lunch on the beach and swimming under a waterfall. The zipline tour up the hill was definitely worth doing. The logistics of getting groceries and us to the house was made possible by German and Clara. They arranged for a car to pick us up at the runway in Drake Bay. We drove across a river to town. Stopped at a small grocery (buy more food than you think you will need since very challenging to get to store again) while the driver waited then took the car to the beach to a boat waiting for us. The boat then took us 10 minutes up the coast to the house where our gracious hosts greeted us and people helped us with our luggage and food from the beach. Thank you again German and Clara for sharing your piece of paradise with us!
Aufenthalt von 6 Nächten im Dezember 2016

8/10 – Gut

Courtney P.

Beautiful and remote
When people ask us about our honeymoon here I tell them it was a Jungle of an experience! Beautiful and remote. The owners were extremely nice, inviting, and full of information. Loved their little kitten! The listing should include exactly what it would take to get to the property, my husband and I had to pay an extra $600 between changing flights and booking extra hotels to get to the property. Up front, if you fly into SJO it takes about a 5 hours drive, then an 1 1/2 boat ride. All of which should be taken over two days because of the time boats run. The property was beautiful, very clean, and magical! We only had two issues: hot water (understandable because it's solar heating and we came during the overcast/rainy season,) and there was a huge ant problem. The house is an open concept with no windows so it is hard to avoid this issue, but it made sleeping at night and keeping food in the kitchen difficult. The owners were the loveliest people! We received a tour of the farm and all the beautiful trees they planted, the streams, and the fruits! I would recommend this house to travelers looking to disconnect like we wanted. It is very close to a National Park and must be even more enjoyable during the summer season! Hiking shoes are a MUST! be prepared to do a lot of walking to get into town and bring extra food supplies. We enjoyed cooking every night and having our own meals with a twist of Costa Rican flare!
Aufenthalt von 6 Nächten im September 2016

10/10 – Hervorragend

Chris C.

Unique and wonderful house on the edge of the rainforest
Having traveled a fair amount the world, I can honestly say this is one of the nicest places I've stayed. First off has to be your hosts, German, Clara and Regulo. Truly lovely people - one of the highlights of our stay was when we invited them for a glass of wine and just had a lovely evening chatting and exchanging stories. They were there to help with everything and yet never felt intrusive. If the world had more German and Clara's in it - it would be a happier place! And Regulo was a great guide for a night walk into the forest, and even found us a boa constrictor on the farm to look at on our last morning! Then the house - which is beautiful. It really is a one of a kind, and very comfortable in every respect, with a well laid out kitchen and everything you could need to cook, including a blender for some tropical smoothies! And finally the location - right on a lovely beach which is great for swimming, tide pooling and shell collecting. We even saw a humpback whale, jumping clean out the water, from the point just 5 minutes walk from the house. And with the jungle behind you, and a walk along the coast. We particularly loved visiting the Rio Claro Aventuras for a canoe up the river, and then a float down with a few jumps in from waterfalls along the way - the kids thought it was the best thing ever - though perhaps not suitable for very young children (ours are 9 and 11 - perfect age) and to see the turtle project. We also enjoyed a boat trip to Sirena Ranger station where we saw Tapir and three species of monkey. The road to Drake Bay from Rincon seems to have been much upgraded of late and so worth considering driving/being driven (though the boat trip from Sierpe is lovely) if that is more convenient - certainly in the dry season. Thank you, German, Clara and Regulo, for such a memorable trip to your little piece of Nirvana.
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im August 2016

10/10 – Hervorragend

thomas h.

A slice of heaven
After hours and hours of searching hotels,bnbs and rentals within the Drake Bay area we decided on Casa Nirvanita. Thankfully we made the best choice of our whole trip! I was quite concerned about taking my 18 month old daughter and parents somewhere so 'remote', without any shops, restaurants or pretty much anything your used to in day to day life back home. Well I need not have worried as everyone fell completely in love with drake bay and Casa Nirvanita. We all agreed we have never felt so relaxed and at home in our surroundings. German and Clara were the perfect hosts, from providing valuable information before our visit to showing us some of the bay's 'hidden' treasures. It was lovely to have such interesting and engaging hosts yet be given enough privacy to feel like you owned the house. The wildlife around the house and gardens kept us interested all day and falling asleep with the waves crashing nearby really felt like heaven. German and Clara booked all our tours to Corcovado, whale watching and a night tour with a local biologist. Some of things we saw will never be forgotten. All in all, if you are considering Casa Nirvanita I suggest you book quickly. You certainly won't regret it. Thank you German and Clara for the best holiday we have ever had. Tom, Lucy & Lilija x
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im Juli 2016

10/10 – Hervorragend

Julia P., San Diego

Perfect place to experience the wildlife and beauty of the Osa Peninsula!
Our family of four had the honor of staying at Casa Nirvanita for four days (too short) on our recent trip to Costa Rica. I'm not sure where to begin to describe the unique and wonderful experience that we had -- it was truly unforgettable. First and foremost, our hosts, Herman and Clara, were so kind and helpful in making all of the necessary arrangements for our transportation to the home and our activities while we were there -- so easy. In addition, we could not have been more warmly received upon our arrival to the beach and the tour of the home -- we immediately felt welcome and knew we were embarking upon an adventure. Second, the beautiful home that was carefully designed and constructed by Herman and Clara is a remarkable balance between the natural surroundings and the creature comforts that we are accustomed to. To give one example, we spent countless hours watching the capuchin monkeys and birds directly outside the master bedroom -- they were so close in proximity and completely unimpeded by our presence. Overall, the home (including the beds and wide variety of hammocks) was very comfortable and easy to settle into -- we were thankful for the extra fans during our stay due to the heat. As has been noted in other reviewers, we also did not have any issues with the bugs or any unwanted critters in the house, but much like camping, you should be prepared for some at night with the lights on. Third, Drake's Bay and the Osa Peninsula offer many activities and opportunities to explore. During our short time there, we did a snorkeling trip to Cano Island (wonderful!), a guided tour in Corcovado National Park (where we saw lots of wildlife including, most remarkably, a tapir on the beach that came within a few feet of where we were standing), a hike along the beach to Rio Claro (where we also went swimming) and to another beach where we did a little more snorkeling, and a wonderful tour of the farm that Herman provided. The tour of the farm is a must -- it was fascinating to learn about the evolution of the farm over the years and the number of different species of trees that currently being cultivated. Couple of pointers for other visitors - pack light (it will make it much easier to make the transition from taxi to beach), you really don't need much at Casa Nirvanita; if you travel during the time when it is hot and dry, bring the essentials to combat the effects of heat exhaustion and dehydration; and stay longer than four days!
Aufenthalt von 4 Nächten im April 2016

8/10 – Gut

Jon W., Hampton VA

Awesome place!
6 of us recently spent 8 nights at Nirvanita de Osa and we had an awesome time! First up, the reason for 'only' 4 stars out of 5: heat! Yes, we went to Costa Rica in the hot, dry season; and we were expecting that, but a couple more fans for use in the stuffy house (at night) would have been appreciated. That out of the way, this place is amazing and wonderful! The wide open design (not a piece of glass, or screens or even doors) is remarkable and not a problem comfortable living, despite the fact this place is very much in the jungle and on the edge of the sea. A fully fenced yard must keep the larger critters out, and the bugs were never a problem for us. After dark the bugs are there around the lights, but none seemed to be of the biting nature, even the very few miniscule mosquitoes I saw (compared to those we have back here in Virginia), seemed to be biters. The fact it hadn't rained in months may have helped us out here - or perhaps it was the one or two bats that cruised through the open house at dusk every night - COOL! But have no fear, mosquito netting is available for use over every bed (we didn't need, or use it). Another neat thing about the open home was our daily hummingbird visits at breakfast. They love to fly into house around breakfast time, pausing at the freshly cut flowers the owners have put out for decoration, as well as pausing (hovering) in front of the mirror in the bathroom right off the dining area. I suppose they were checking out their appearance before heading out the 'door' for work! Do trust and seek German's advise & trip/excursion arrangement guidance! He was most helpful before our arrival, and during our stay, despite his being away for a family emergency shortly after we arrived. Do consider the option of a boat transfer all the way from Sierpe on the way in. German will help you with all of the arrangements and you will not be disappointed if you choose this longer option for arrival. Do take a night jungle hike with German's biologist neighbor Lucia. It was amazing, even in the dry season when fewer bugs and critters are out. Also be sure to ask Lucia about where her secret ocean 'jacuzzi' is. You will not be disappointed. I'd tell you, but it is a secret! Do go SCUBA diving off of Cano Island. Incredible, incredible. Do take a tour in Corcovado; do go zip lining; do go on the inner tube ride down the river ending up in Drake Bay. I'll be jealous! Thank you German & Carla for an awesome vacation!

10/10 – Hervorragend

Jan K., Liberec

memorable experience
One of the most memorable places I have ever been to. My family and a couple of friends spent there one awesome week. The house , Clara and German and all else was top notch. I can highly recommend it to anyone interested in spending their holiday off the beaten track and enjoying some unspoiled nature.
Aufenthalt von 6 Nächten im Dezember 2015

10/10 – Hervorragend

Marla G., Vancouver

Incredible escape to Costa Rica
Our family of four (kids are 13 and 16 years old) just returned from a fantastic week at Casa Nirvanita. Although we had never been to Costa Rica before and were unsure exactly how it would all work--German & Clara, the owners-- helped us arrange all the rides and water taxis necessary to make it a seamless voyage to their piece of paradise. We flew from San Jose to Palmar Sur on a domestic flight. German and Clara had someone pick us up and take us to the local supermarket to buy supplies for the week. The store packed everything up in boxes and off we went to catch a boat ride from Sierpe down the river, into the bay and literally onto the beach at Casa Nirvanita. Casa Nirvanita is a very safe, clean and comfortable -- but totally legit -- jungle adventure in a beautiful and seemingly untouched corner of Costa Rica. The house, and farm, are clearly a labour of love. The house sits at the edge of both the jungle and beach. It's open to the sights and sounds of the jungle, but also very private. The kitchen has everything you need, including a large fridge and freezer and plenty of utensils and counter space. There are 4 sleep-inducing hammocks in the house that lend themselves to some serious siestas, and the beach out front is perfect — and virtually all yours. The water is clear, warm and perfect for swimming. The sand is soft and the views are incredible. Above all, German and Clara were exceedingly gracious and helpful hosts, ever ready with answers to our questions, a helpful hand, local knowledge, fruits to sample from their trees and great stories. They made all the arrangements for us to enjoy a snorkeling trip, a guided tour through the Corcovado National Park (bring bathing suits for a fresh water swim in the middle of the jungle) and a night walk with a local biologist — we recommend all of the above. German also guided us around the house to see their various streams and abundant fruit trees and we hiked along a well-worn walking trail (right off the beach) to Drake Bay (60-90 minute walk) through the jungle and over a neat little suspension bridge. We saw macaws, toucans, white faced monkeys, howler monkeys, toads, frogs and lots of crazy looking bugs-- but rest assured that you are comfortable and well tucked under mosquito nets in your luxurious bedrooms at night. Casa Nirvanita is exactly as advertised -- a magical slice of the Osa Peninsula and an adventure we will never forget! Marla & Josh, Vancouver, BC
Aufenthalt von 7 Nächten im Dezember 2015