Ganzes Ferienhaus·Privater Gastgeber

☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort

Fotogalerie von ☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort

Smart-TV, Videospiele, DVD-Player, Tischfußball
Am Strand, LiegestĂŒhle, StrandtĂŒcher
Speisen im Freien


9,6 von 10.

Ganzes Ferienhaus

5 Schlafzimmer6 BadezimmerPlatz fĂŒr 10 GĂ€ste780 mÂČ

Beliebte Annehmlichkeiten

  • Pool
  • ParkplĂ€tze verfĂŒgbar
  • FrĂŒhstĂŒck verfĂŒgbar
  • Whirlpool
  • Grill
  • Waschmaschine

Mehr zu dieser Unterkunft

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☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort

Villa "Villa Escape Curacao" | ist letztlich die erste Wahl fĂŒr luxuriöse Privatvillen in Curacao. Unsere GĂ€ste schĂ€tzen das luxuriöse Design, die großartige Lage, nur 4 Minuten vom Strand und dem Resort und der PrivatsphĂ€re entfernt, und schaffen so eine einzigartige Erfahrung eines ultimativen Luxusurlaubs. 180 ° atemberaubender Meerblick von allen Zimmern macht es zu einem echten Juwel! 2 private Pools (großer Pool und Planschbecken) -2 große Terrassen mit Meerblick-Jacuzzi-5 Suiten mit Bad, Wohnzimmer und KĂŒche, Essbereich fĂŒr 10, Grill ... Coral Estate Resort-4 Minuten zu Fuß vom Strand, Bar, Restaurant, Spa und Taucher.

V "VILLA ESCAPE Curacao" | ist letztendlich die erste Wahl fĂŒr luxuriöse Privatvillen in Curacao, die sich im gated Premier Coral Estate Resort befindet, nur 4 Gehminuten vom Strand, der Bar, dem Restaurant, dem Spa und den PADI-Tauchern entfernt. Unsere GĂ€ste schĂ€tzen die luxuriösen Annehmlichkeiten, die großartige Lage, die PrivatsphĂ€re und den atemberaubenden Meerblick von allen Zimmern! Das macht "VILLA ESCAPE Curacao" zu einem echten Juwel! 2 private Pools (großer Pool mit Whirlpool und Paddle-Pool - beide mit Meerblick), 2 große Terrassen mit Meerblick, 5 Suiten mit jeweils eigenem Bad und Kleiderschrank, TV, Klimaanlage, Minibar, Nespresso, Safe, BademĂ€nteln, Strandtasche usw. Zimmer mit Panoramablick auf das Meer und voll ausgestattete KĂŒche mit Grill im Freien und einem großen Garten mit Kunstrasenplatz fĂŒr Sport ... Dies alles schafft ein einzigartiges Erlebnis des ultimativen Luxusurlaubs, max. 10 GĂ€ste und max. 2 Babys (0-2 kostenlos).

 Unsere GĂ€ste genießen einen atemberaubenden Meerblick von 180 ° auf Sonnenauf- und -untergĂ€nge und eine große Auswahl an zusĂ€tzlichen Dienstleistungen, die Sie auswĂ€hlen können, wenn Sie dies wĂŒnschen. Flughafentransfers, Lebensmitteleinkauf, FrĂŒhstĂŒck, tĂ€gliche oder zusĂ€tzliche Reinigung, private Chefdienste, Minivan-Mietwagen usw.).

Die Villa befindet sich in erstklassiger Strandeinfahrt im Coral Estate Resort, nur 4 Gehminuten vom Strand, der Bar, dem Restaurant, dem Spa und den Tauchern von Padi entfernt.

Villa Escape - Serenity umgibt Sie "Wenn Sie nach exklusivem Komfort, PrivatsphĂ€re und Ruhe suchen, mit einem atemberaubenden Blick ĂŒber das karibische Meer, ist Villa Escape die perfekte Wahl fĂŒr Sie.

"Villa Escape - Verwöhnen Sie sich in GlĂŒckseligkeit"
Villa Escape liegt auf einer Klippe mit 180 ° atemberaubenden Ozean, umgeben von wunderschöner Natur und fantastischen StrÀnden. Die atemberaubende Architektur der Villa Escape und die begehrte Lage heben sie von anderen Immobilien im Coral Estate Resort ab. "Absolute Perfektion von allen Seiten" macht Ihren Urlaub wirklich atemberaubend.

 Die Villa ist wunderschön und bietet von allen 4 Hauptschlafzimmern und Wohnbereichen einen herrlichen Blick auf den Ozean. GlasschiebetĂŒren und -wĂ€nde wurden entwickelt, um den spektakulĂ€ren Meerblick zu verbessern und Sie mit dem Meer zu verbinden. Die bewegliche, einzigartige Glasschiebewand (16 m breit) verwandelt den Wohn- und Essbereich in eine außergewöhnlich und atemberaubend schöne Innen- und Außenumgebung.

** Durchsuchen Sie VILLA ESCAPE, CURACAO im Web, um VILLA-Videos des erstaunlichen Resorts und vieles mehr zu finden **

4 Hauptschlafzimmer - 35-45m2 / StĂŒck
Die 4 Hauptschlafzimmer entsprechen der GrĂ¶ĂŸe, der Aussicht, der Ausstattung und den Annehmlichkeiten fĂŒr alle GĂ€ste und gewĂ€hrleisten absolute PrivatsphĂ€re. Alle Zimmer sind mit Klimaanlage, Deckenventilator, Smart-TV, Minibar, Nespresso-Kaffeemaschine, Strandtasche und BadetĂŒcher, BademĂ€ntel und Slipper, Safe, Ritz Royal Komfort Doppelbett 6,15 Fuß / 200 cm breit, die auf 2 angepasst werden kann Bei Bedarf zwei Einzelbetten, bequemer Schreibtisch und StĂŒhle, gerĂ€umige KleiderschrĂ€nke und elektrische RolllĂ€den. Die einzigartigen GlasschiebetĂŒren in der Gesamtbreite (4,5 m) in jedem Schlafzimmer bringen Ihnen jeden Tag Meer ins Herz. Die Konstruktion des Hauses gewĂ€hrleistet keine LĂ€rmĂŒbertragung von nebenan liegenden Schlafzimmern. Wenn Sie Kinder dort schlafen haben, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sie hören. Doppelte VorhĂ€nge und unabhĂ€ngige SchlĂŒssel fĂŒr jedes Schlafzimmer sorgen fĂŒr Ihre volle Pivacy.

Schlafzimmer Nr. 5
Das fĂŒnfte Schlafzimmer Nr. 5 befindet sich im Erdgeschoss der Villa, getrennt von den Hauptschlafzimmern. Separater Eingang zu dieser Suite mit 5 Schlafzimmern und einer kleinen privaten Terrasse bietet ideale Lösungen fĂŒr Teenager, KindermĂ€dchen oder andere Freunde.
Keine Suite mit 5 Schlafzimmern besteht aus Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett, Klimaanlage, Deckenventilator, Kleiderschrank und Schrank, Badezimmer und kleiner Veranda / Terrasse.

LOBBY und KIDS Living Space
2 HĂ€ngestĂŒhle mit spektakulĂ€rer Aussicht auf das karibische blaue Riff und die Poolterrasse im ersten Stock sind der beliebteste Ort fĂŒr Kinder und Jugendliche, um sich zu entspannen und ohne Eltern zu plaudern.

Wohnzimmer mit 3 separaten Sofas und Platz fĂŒr 8 Personen.
Große Wohnzimmer und Essbereich sind offen fĂŒr die KĂŒche und Gropund Etage Terrasse, mit unglaublichen Blick auf den Ozean und Pool und Resort Lichter in der Nacht.
Alle GlasschiebetĂŒren und -wĂ€nde sind mit Jalousien und VorhĂ€ngen ausgestattet, die je nach Bedarf eingestellt werden können, zum Beispiel beim Fernsehen oder beim Spielen auf der Playstation.

Essen und BAR:
Beobachten Sie die Sonne untergehen, wĂ€hrend Sie Ihr Abendessen auf dem riesigen Holztisch fĂŒr 10 Personen genießen, der 3 m lang ist und von jedem Stuhl aus eine blitzende AtmosphĂ€re und den Sonnenuntergang mit Blick auf die See genießt. Bar- 3 Sitze.

Die voll ausgestattete, moderne KĂŒche mit Bar und Granit-Meerblick-Waschbecken ist mit Klimaanlage, Deckenventilator, europĂ€ischen ElektrogerĂ€ten, einem großen KĂŒhlschrank mit Eismaschine und kaltem Wasser sowie einer Kaffeemaschine ausgestattet. BBQ draußen. WĂ€sche getrennt (Waschmaschine, Trockner, BĂŒgeln)

Die erste Etage Terrasse (130m2) mit einem kleinen Glas-Mosaik-Pool (4x4), verbindet das Erdgeschoss der Villa mit zwei seitlichen Außenbeleuchtung Treppen, die auf der Terrasse im Erdgeschoss Mund. Die Terrasse hat ein komplett verglastes GelĂ€nder und bietet einen schönen Blick auf das Meer wĂ€hrend des Tages und die Beleuchtung des Resorts am Abend. Gartenmöbel: 8 sonnenweiße Aluminium-Sonnendecks, 8 Aluminium-Sonnensessel und 2 Design-StĂŒhle, die vorĂŒbergehend im oberen Pool aufgestellt werden können. Der kleine Pool bietet Ihnen eine erfrischende Wasserstelle fĂŒr ein GetrĂ€nk oder ein sicheres Paddys-Planschbecken fĂŒr Kinder mit einer Wassertiefe von 40 cm.

Terrasse im Erdgeschoss, Pool und Whirlpool
Die Terrasse im Erdgeschoss (110m2) mit einem Überlaufpool aus Glasmosaik (4x8), verbindet den Raum mit Wohn-und KĂŒchenbereich. Der Jacuzzi ist Teil des Pools und enthĂ€lt 3 Bubbles BĂ€nke mit Blick auf das Meer und das Innere der Villa. Gartenmöbel: 4 Sonnen weiße Alluminium-Sonnendecks, 2 Gartensofas, 2 GartenstĂŒhle, 1 Rattan-Regalsofa etc.

Ein Urlaub Luxus-Villa ist viel luxuriöser und unterhaltsam als in einem Hotel. Die Villa gehört Ihnen, einschließlich 1600m2 Garten, Ihre Kinder werden es lieben. FĂŒr Ihre Kinder und Familien Spaß haben wir einen einzigartigen Kunstrasenspielplatz von 50m2 fĂŒr Ihren Fußball und andere Sportspiele und Palmenpatio fĂŒr Ihre Fans vorbereitet.

** Suche VILLA ESCAPE, CURACAO im Internet, um VILLA Drohne Videos des erstaunlichen Resorts und vieles mehr zu finden **


LAGE 4 Minuten zu Fuß vom Strand, exklusives Restaurant, Bar, Spa und Beauty Saloon, Tauchcenter etc
Villa Escape befindet sich nur 5 Minuten zu Fuß vom Resort Strand, Tauchzentrum, beste Spa, ausgezeichnetes Restaurant Karakter und Bar. Zu Fuß zum Schnorcheln, Tauchen, Restaurants am Wasser und einem privaten Strand unabhĂ€ngig jedes Mal, wenn Sie das GefĂŒhl haben. Karakter Beach Club bietet kostenlose Strandliegen, Sonnenschirme, Palapas & Full-Service direkt zu Ihrem Strandliegestuhl! Restaurant Karakter ist einfach exzellent. Sie können Vorbestellung, Halbpension oder gelegentliche Verpflegung nur vorbestellen, um sie zur Villa zu bringen.

- Einmalige Lage nur 10 Minuten mit dem Auto zu den schönsten NaturstrÀnden der Insel: Playa Porto Marie, Daiboo Beach etc.

- Coral Estate Resort hat viele Straßen mit sehr begrenztem Verkehr zum Laufen / Laufen mit einer tollen Aussicht.

-Gekapseltes sicheres Resort: 24/7 Sicherheit und Überwachung.

Nur 15 Autominuten von den schönsten StrĂ€nden und TauchplĂ€tzen Curacaos entfernt. Großartige Orte zum Essen, Flamingos beobachten, lokale KĂŒnstler besuchen oder einige Lebensmittel innerhalb von 15 Minuten mit dem Auto kaufen. Das historische Stadtzentrum von Willemstad, der große Lebensmittelmarkt und einer der 3 GolfplĂ€tze der Insel sind innerhalb von 30 Minuten mit dem Auto erreichbar.

Dinge zu tun in der NĂ€he - 5 Minuten mit dem Auto von ESCAPE VILLA
- SpaziergÀnge und LÀufe
- Strand- und Poolschwimmen
- Jacuzzi und Spa-Behandlungen
- Tauchen und Schnorcheln
- StrandhĂŒpfen
- Massagen
- Gastronomie
- Life Music zweimal in der Woche in Karakter und Korral

Andere Dinge auf Curacao -

15 Minuten mit dem Auto:
- Die schönsten NaturstrÀnde mit Service
- Paddle-Boarding
- Windsurfen
- Kitesurfen
- Flamengos
- Nena Sanchez Galerie

30 Minuten mit dem Auto
- Besichtigung von Willemstad, einem UNESCO Weltkulturerbe
- Tiefseefischen
- Segeln
- Golf
- 4x4 Touren
- Delphin Begegnungen und DelphintauchgÀnge an der Dolphin Academy
- Karneval und Musikfestivals (saisonal)
- Wandern entlang der Korallenklippen oder auf den höchsten Berg Curacaos
- Klippenspringen
- Party City beach5 Schlafzimmer, 5. 5 BĂ€der, max 10 GĂ€ste.


- Curacao ist das ideale Urlaubsziel: 365 Tage im Jahr schönes Wetter und außerhalb des Hurricane Belt. Daher hat Escape Luxury Villa keine jĂ€hrliche Schließung.

- Die Villa ist sehr komfortabel fĂŒr 10 Personen und bietet leicht Platz fĂŒr mehr. Die Zimmer sind gerĂ€umig und bieten maximalen Komfort fĂŒr die GĂ€ste der Villa.

- Tolle Lage im Coral Estate Resort nur 4 Minuten zu Fuß zum Strand, Restaurant, Spa, Dive Center, BĂ€ckerei etc. Premier sichere gated Resort 24/7.

- ZusĂ€tzliche Dienstleistungen: Flughafentransfers, Villa Pre-StrĂŒmpfe, Extra Reinigung, Restaurant nur 4 Minuten zu Fuß, Events & Hochzeiten. endlos - wir sind hier, um Ihnen zu helfen, wenn wir können, werden wir unser Bestes geben.

- Wir empfehlen Ihnen, ein Auto zu mieten, damit Sie einkaufen und sich auf der Insel bewegen können. Der Strand und das Ortszentrum sind jedoch nur 4 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt


Villa Escape


Tschechisch, NiederlÀndisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch

Gib zur Preisangabe die Daten an

Ausstattung der Unterkunft


  • StrandnĂ€he
  • LiegestĂŒhle
  • StrandtĂŒcher


  • Massagen
  • Privatpool
  • Sauna
  • Whirlpool


  • In der Villa verfĂŒgbar: kostenloser Internetzugang per WLAN

Parkmöglichkeiten und Transfer

  • Limousinenservice
  • Auto verfĂŒgbar
  • Auto empfohlen
  • ParkplĂ€tze vor Ort


  • EiswĂŒrfelbereiter
  • GeschirrspĂŒler
  • GewĂŒrze
  • Herdplatte
  • Kochgeschirr, Geschirr und Besteck
  • Kochnische
  • KĂŒchenrolle
  • KĂŒhlschrank
  • Mikrowelle
  • Mixer
  • Ofen
  • Toaster
  • Wasserkocher
  • Wasserkocher fĂŒr Kaffee/Tee

Gastronomisches Angebot

  • FrĂŒhstĂŒck gegen Aufpreis verfĂŒgbar
  • Esstisch
  • Kochservice


  • 5 Schlafzimmer
  • BettwĂ€sche wird bereitgestellt


  • 5,5 Badezimmer
  • Dusche
  • Haartrockner
  • HandtĂŒcher werden bereitgestellt
  • Seife
  • Shampoo
  • Toilettenpapier


  • Esstisch
  • Separater Essbereich
  • Wohnzimmer


  • BĂŒcher
  • DVD-Player
  • Musikbibliothek
  • Smart-TV
  • Spiele
  • Stereoanlage
  • Videospiele
  • Videothek


  • Balkon
  • EingezĂ€unter Hof
  • Garten
  • Grill
  • Möbel fĂŒr den Außenbereich


  • Waschmaschine


  • Drucker
  • Schreibtisch
  • Schreibtischstuhl


  • Klimaanlage


  • Keine Haustiere erlaubt


  • Fahrstuhl
  • Nichtraucherunterkunft
  • Hinweis vom Gastgeber: Only outside of the Villa.

Serviceleistungen und Annehmlichkeiten

  • BĂŒgeleisen/BĂŒgelbrett
  • Concierge-Service
  • Lieferservice fĂŒr Essen
  • Safe
  • Zimmerreinigung auf Anfrage

Attraktionen des Ortes

  • Direkt am Wasser gelegen
  • In der NĂ€he eines Schönheitssalons/Spas gelegen
  • In MeernĂ€he gelegen


  • Golf
  • Kajak
  • Tischkicker
  • Angeln in der NĂ€he
  • Golf in der NĂ€he
  • Jetskifahren in der NĂ€he
  • Kajakfahren in der NĂ€he
  • Möglichkeiten zum Radfahren in der NĂ€he
  • Möglichkeiten zum Surfen/Bodyboarden in der NĂ€he
  • Motorbootfahren in der NĂ€he
  • Schnorcheln in der NĂ€he
  • Schwimmen in der NĂ€he
  • Segeln in der NĂ€he
  • Tauchmöglichkeiten in der NĂ€he
  • Vogelbeobachtung in der NĂ€he
  • Windsurfen in der NĂ€he


  • Kohlenmonoxidmelder (der Gastgeber hat angegeben, dass in der Unterkunft ein Kohlenmonoxidmelder vorhanden ist)
  • Rauchmelder (der Gastgeber hat angegeben, dass in der Unterkunft ein Rauchmelder vorhanden ist)
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Feuerlöscher
  • Riegelschloss


  • Garten
  • GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Wohneinheit: 780 Quadratmeter
  • Unterkunft in einem Resort
  • Zimmerreinigung auf Anfrage

Ähnliche UnterkĂŒnfte



Der Check-in beginnt um 16:00 Uhr
Mindestalter fĂŒr den Check-in: 18 Jahre


Check-out vor 11:00 Uhr
Kontaktloser Check-out

Hinweise zum Check-in

Du erhÀltst vom Gastgeber eine E-Mail mit Angaben zu Check-in und Check-out.


Haustiere sind nicht erlaubt.

Kinder und Zustellbetten

Kinder sind herzlich willkommen
Hinweis vom Gastgeber: paddle pool, playground, cots, chairs, car seats!

Wichtige Informationen


Diese Unterkunft wird von einem privaten Gastgeber verwaltet (eine Partei, die nicht im Rahmen ihrer gewerblichen, geschĂ€ftlichen oder beruflichen TĂ€tigkeit handelt). Das EU-Verbraucherrecht, einschließlich Widerrufsrecht, gilt nicht fĂŒr deine Buchung, sie wird jedoch von den vom privaten Gastgeber festgelegten Stornierungsbedingungen abgedeckt.
FĂŒr zusĂ€tzliche Personen fallen möglicherweise GebĂŒhren an, die abhĂ€ngig von den Bestimmungen der Unterkunft variieren können.
Beim Check-in werden ggf. ein Lichtbildausweis und eine Kreditkarte, Debitkarte oder Kaution in bar fĂŒr unvorhergesehene Aufwendungen verlangt.
Je nach VerfĂŒgbarkeit beim Check-in wird versucht, SonderwĂŒnschen entgegenzukommen, sie können jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Eventuell fallen zusĂ€tzliche GebĂŒhren an.
Partys oder Gruppenveranstaltungen sind auf dem GelÀnde der Unterkunft streng verboten.
Hinweis vom Gastgeber: No parties or events after 22:00 - No loud music.
Langzeitmieter sind willkommen
Der Gastgeber hat angegeben, dass die Unterkunft ĂŒber einen Kohlenmonoxidmelder verfĂŒgt
Der Gastgeber hat angegeben, dass es in der Unterkunft einen Rauchmelder gibt
Zu den Sicherheitsvorrichtungen dieser Unterkunft gehören ein Feuerlöscher, ein Erste-Hilfe-Kasten und ein Riegelschloss.
Diese Unterkunft wird von unserem Partner FeWo-direkt/Vrbo verwaltet. Du erhÀltst eine E-Mail von FeWo-direkt/Vrbo mit einem Link zu deinem Kundenkonto, in dem du deine Buchung Àndern oder stornieren kannst.

Was wir noch erwÀhnen sollten

FĂŒr die Anreise zu dieser Unterkunft wird ein Auto empfohlen

Die Unterkunft ist auch bekannt als

Luxury Escape TOP Seaview Beach 4min Walk 2 Pools Jacuzzi
Escape villa TOP Luxury beach Resort! Video

Zur Gegend

Willibrodus, Curacao, Dutch Caribbean

In der Umgebung

  • Daaibooi Beach - 6 Autominuten - 3.5 km
  • Playa Porto Marie - 11 Autominuten - 5.8 km
  • Cas Abao Beach - 22 Autominuten - 13.0 km
  • Blue Bay-Strand - 27 Autominuten - 21.2 km
  • Blue Bay - 28 Autominuten - 22.4 km

Fortbewegung vor Ort

  • Flughafen Hato Intl. (CUR) – 24 Fahrminuten


  • â€ȘLandhuis Klein Santa Martha - ‬19 Autominuten
  • â€ȘCas Abao Beach Bar - ‬18 Autominuten
  • â€ȘKarakter - ‬2 Autominuten
  • â€ȘDe Buurvrouw - ‬14 Autominuten
  • â€ȘKoraal Rooftop Terrace - ‬2 Autominuten

HĂ€ufig gestellte Fragen

Hat ☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort einen Pool?

Ja, diese Unterkunft verfĂŒgt ĂŒber einen Pool.

Ist ☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort haustierfreundlich?

Nein, in dieser Unterkunft sind Haustiere nicht erlaubt.

Wann ist der Check-in bei ☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort?

Check-in ab: 16:00 Uhr.

Wann ist der Check-out bei ☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort?

Check-out ist um 11:00 Uhr.

Wo befindet sich ☆ ESCAPE-VILLA | Curacao. TOP 180 Meerblick, Infinity-Pool, Whirlpool, Strandresort?

Diese Villa liegt am Strand und ist dank der hervorragenden Lage (St. Marie) nur 5 km entfernt von: Daaibooi Beach, Playa Porto Marie und Plantation House Jan Kok. Ebenfalls in einem Umkreis von 15 km: Cas Abao Beach und Manzalina Beach.

Bewertungen von TOP LUX Villa ESCAPE-180°sea view,4min beach,2 pools, CORAL ESTATE Resort See đŸŽ„




18 von insgesamt 24 GĂ€stebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 10 - Hervorragend
5 von insgesamt 24 GĂ€stebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 8 - Gut
1 von insgesamt 24 GĂ€stebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 6 - Okay
0 von insgesamt 24 GĂ€stebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 4 - Schlecht
0 von insgesamt 24 GĂ€stebewertungen haben eine Bewertung von 2 - UngenĂŒgend




8/10 – Gut

caron c.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Not as Advertised !!
The home is beautiful to look at. The pictures are very accurate. It sits ontop of a resort that has a few restaurants ( very expensive) and water (not a beach, it is man made). The ocean view is amazing. The house: the pool looks beautiful but the tiles are all coming up and they made tiny shards of glass all over the patio. You could not be bare foot. The windows heat up the house so much it is unbearable to be inside. The living room and kitchen are so hot that you have to leave the shades down and that takes your view away. The bedrooms are the same, they heat up so much that you have to keep the curtains drawn- so the view is lost. You absolutely have to use the AC more than normal because the sun beats on this house. Expect to go over in utilities. We followed all the rules and we still owed 180USD at the end. So for 6 days of staying at this house they claim that the utilizes cost 390USD. we used our AC exactly when they said we could use it to not go over. Impossible !! Everyone goes over !! It’s a money grab !The kitchen: the owner has never stayed one night here. You can tell because things were barely working or very difficult to use. The living room furniture is extremely uncomfortable. We never sat in that room once. Mostly because it was so hot! The outside furniture was also extremely uncomfortable. You couldn’t sit long because the cushion was so thin, you felt like you were sitting on the metal bars.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Februar 2025

10/10 – Hervorragend

Kimberly W.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Great House for Adults
We were in Curaçao for my husband’s birthday trip.There were 4 couples in total. The house is just as described. This was our 6th visit to the island, but the first staying in this area. The noise restrictions (10pm) and paying for electricity were new for us, but did not dampen the festivities. The house itself is great, other than a few broken utensils, no propane for the outside grill and a non working ceiling fan, everything was as expected.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Juli 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

Doug W.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Amazing place location and Host
House is everything that shows and more. If you are a diver this is great location you can reach the East and west ind of the island 30-45 min. We were a group of eight and this house accommodates us well. From bedrooms to pools to kitchen all plenary of room and had all the amenities we needed Host and manager communication was excellent. Thank you
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Juli 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

Kristle T.

Gut: Sauberkeit
This villa is absolutely amazing! Beautiful scenery and the room ocean views are great! Our family would absolutely come back to Villa Escape!
Aufenthalt von 5 NĂ€chten im Juni 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

Patrice D.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Great week at Escape Villa
Grandparents had to bow out of trip last minute so ended up with just our family of 5 at the villa. This turned out well for us, honestly the 5th bedroom at the villa is outside of the door to the kitchen and not connected to the common area. I wouldn't consider putting my family members in that bedroom so word to the wise. We had an incredible stay and can't say enough about the decor, attention to detail, location, view, etc. I read every single review so want to be honest in mine. We would stay here again for sure. I walked the Coral Bay Estates neighborhood and the location of this villa is superior in that the stairs down to the restaurant/bar/beach area is very convenient (note, no handrailings-elderly family members may just want to drive down). The view is spectacular and being elevated on side of the hill vs right on beach meant better views and we had no issues w/ bugs (except little gnats a couple mornings when there wasn't a breeze). Beds were very comfortable. The couches in the living room could stand to be replaced-not very comfortable and showing wear. We had no problem using the kitchen area either which was nice. We rented a minivan and appreciated the mid-island location for visiting the beaches along coast and Westpunt area but also going to Willamstead for the day. Be prepared to spend $$ for the electricity/water deposit ($400, we ended up being charged $295-only ran AC at night in all 4 bedrooms and in the living room from like 7-10:30).
Aufenthalt von 6 NĂ€chten im Mai 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

Philip B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Family Vacation
We had the best stay at Escape Villa. The house was just as described (so beautiful) and Ryan, the host, was there for whatever we needed. We had Chef Mo in to make a meal that was fantastic! I highly recommend a stay here.
Aufenthalt von 8 NĂ€chten im Mai 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

Bruce B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
As good as it looks in pictures
This is a beautiful and well-maintained property that suited our needs (4 adults and 3 children) perfectly. Communication with the owner and property managers was timely, clear and helpful. Enjoyed having convenient access to the Coral Estate Resort restaurants and the peace of mind of being in a gated community,
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Februar 2024

10/10 – Hervorragend

Nicole Z.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Absolutely Lovely
I stayed here with four girlfriends for a week long vacation and we absolutely loved this home away from home. The views are beautiful, the pools were so nice, the rooms were comfortable and private, and the home was well appointed. We were able to make breakfast “at home” every morning, and venture out to various beaches or activities during the day, but loved that we didn’t HAVE to. Hanging out at the house in the pool was also one of the best parts out our stay. Only notes: pick up laundry detergent if you stop at a grocery store. It might have been nice to wash/dry kitchen, beach, and bath towels at some point during the week, but no big deal. Oh! And you can ask for a bag of ice at the rooftop bar. Electricity/water use: conservation is mentioned on reviews about many places on the island. We tried to be mindful during our stay by turning all lights/fans off when we left for the day, and we only ran the A/C in our individual rooms at night. I thought cost was totally reasonable for 5 people. If you’re hot, get in one of the two pools! Our only regret: we wish we would have booked more time with chef Mo! We had her cook for us the first night we arrived and it was a FANTASTIC meal. If you’re on the fence about booking the private chef service, absolutely do it! Property manager, Ryan, was very nice and made check in and check out very easy. Thank you for a lovely stay!!
Aufenthalt von 6 NĂ€chten im Dezember 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Steven W., Gainesville, FL

Gut: Sauberkeit
Beautiful home and pool with great location
Property was just as advertised. Beautiful and well equipped home with incredible view. Easy assess to resort with spa, two restaurants/bar, and beach. Great central location to get to east and west of the island country. There were 10 adults and we rented a van which allowed us to tour to Willemstad, curaçao distillery, Serena’s art factory (home of the Chichi art), shete boka national park, and more. We are not active scuba or water sports crew, but were happy to hang at the pool. Afternoon heat is strong, but happy hour on other side of house in the shade was awesome. Thanks for a fun 60th birthday celebration.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Juni 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Phil K.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im April 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Elizabeth G.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Wonderful House and Location
The House: It is just as beautiful as it looks online. Expansive views of the ocean from the 4 upstairs bedrooms and both pool decks. The main pool was big and enjoyed by everyone. The plunge pool was also nice, but we used the main pool more. The kitchen and bathrooms were well stocked with everything we needed. We enjoyed the nespresso machine and milk frother. The location: The location was perfect for us. Our group has a mix of snorkelers and scuba divers, and there are many beaches within a short drive that have both snorkeling and scuba diving right from the shore. Willemstad and Kokomo Beach are further, but still a quick drive. With the house being in Coral Estate Resort, it was easy for us to find dinner there the first night after a long day of travel, and we got pastries and bread most mornings. We also used the dive shop to do a night snorkel adventure - highly recommend. I feel like I must say something about the electricity and water: As a group, this was our 6th trip together in the Carribean. We travel to a different island each April - though we are considering breaking that tradition and returning to Curacao. We know electricity and water on islands are expensive, and we must do our best to preserve the resources. This was not the first time we had to pay for our electricity and water usage either. Our party of 9 did not go over the deposit amount.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im April 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Lori W.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Beautiful Villa...True to the Online Pictures
The Escape Villa was exactly what we were looking for and was true to what you see online. The four bedrooms on the top level were beautifully appointed and provided an excellent view of the ocean and village below. We absolutely loved the place, the view, the pools (yes, there are two), the open-air concept in the living room, the safe community, and the walking access to the restaurants in the area. Check-in and out was extremely easy and the Property Manager was a delight. The fifth room was a bit smaller than the other four bedrooms, but overall, the villa was exceptional.
Aufenthalt von 5 NĂ€chten im MĂ€rz 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Gemma S.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Amazing Villa - with fabulous views!!
We had so much fun in Curaçao - and Escape Villa helped make our experience wonderful! First - the Villa is gorgeous - and the views are absolutely spectacular. We spent nearly all our time in the living room with the glass doors open and by the pool. I particularly loved my early morning coffee (while everyone else was asleep) watching the ocean as the day gets light, feeling the breeze from the open doors. The pool was wonderful to refresh after a day at the beach. We didn’t use the jacuzzi much at all - we just didn’t feel the need, but it was nice to have the seating in the pool. (We had originally hoped for a “hot tub”, but given the heat, I don’t think we would have used one if there was one!). The Villa does face the West - so the sunsets would be VERY hot, but we appreciated the shades that we could lower. There is next to no shade in the evenings, but we often took refuge in the front (back?) of the house for the last hour of the sunset to escape the sun. Once it set, we would be back by the pool. The kitchen was really well stocked (better than most VRBOs I’ve stayed in!). We knew that the Villa had Nespresso machines, so we brought our own extra pods and were really excited to even find a milk frothier! The kitchen had everything from an Emerson blender to all the pots and pans we needed. We loved having the extra refrigerator/freezer in the back, and we really appreciated that it was pre stocked with ice. Small details were taken care of which were extremely helpful. From having a wireless phone charger for our phones, to plug adapters to having all the light switches labeled. These small details helped enhance our stay. All the bedrooms were wonderful - and fit out group of 9 very well. The downstairs bedroom was small, but worked well for 1 person. It might be cramped for a couple. Everything was very clean when we arrived. As others have mentioned, we weren’t super excited about the deposit/utility situation. By paying for the utilities, we certainly paid more attention to our usage. We took quick showers and only used the AC when we were sleeping. In doing this, we only used about a quarter of our deposit. Sure - I think we should have had a higher utility amount included in the rate with the house, but did it make a huge difference in our stay? Not really. Overall - I would absolutely recommend Escape Villa. If we ever find ourselves back in Curaçao, we would certainly stay her again!
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Februar 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Daryl S.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Great Property
Great property that exceeded expectations. The views were phenomenal from all 4 upstairs bedrooms as well as the downstairs kitchen and living area. The 2 outdoor pool decks give the feeling of being at your own resort. Highly recommended.
Aufenthalt von 5 NĂ€chten im Februar 2023

10/10 – Hervorragend

Patrick B.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Wonderful stay...but...
Overall this was a great property. Good mid island location- need a car but nothing too far. Nice beaches close by, grocery stores a short drive away. Ryan was exceptional for dining recommendations and for dealing with everyday house issues which were few. Expect extra charges for water and electricity at the end- despite the fact that we all tried to be very frugal with water and A/C, we had almost a $600 overage in the end. If indeed utilities are that expensive, it may be a bit less of a shock if the daily rate is a bit higher to eliminate sticker shock at the end of the holiday. Would stay again without hesitation.
Aufenthalt von 6 NĂ€chten im November 2022

8/10 – Gut

Brian M.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Over all a nice place.
House was beautiful, great location. Only down side was they only give one towel per guest. We had six people and only five towels. It took 3 days to get an extra towel. Also you have to pay utility's after your stay. It made us feel very uncomfortable thinking we had worry about how much we would be charged in the end. Over all we had a good experience. I would recommend this property.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im November 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

Francine D.

Gut: Sauberkeit
This property is absolutely amazing. The view is gorgeous, the home itself is just as beautiful as it looks in the pictures. We had all the amenities that we needed. (we only needed to purchase laundry detergent). Each room had their own espresso machine as well as a mini fridge with water and sage. Towels, both bath and beach, were provided. The only time we used the ac was at night for sleeping, during the day there was a beautiful breeze. The only only downfall to this property I would say is there is no clear indication as to which villa it is, and the driveway is quite steep. Nothing major that will interfere with your vacation. Ryan and Daniel were a pleasure to work with. My only suggestion to anyone staying at the property is to make sure that you pay attention to your electric consumption. Though we did go over very slightly it was still worth the trip. I would defiantly recommend this property to everyone.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Oktober 2022

10/10 – Hervorragend

David S., New York, NY USA

Gut: Sauberkeit
A great, modern home in a gated community, with incomparable views
My wife and I spent 11 days at Escape Villa, and enjoyed it quite a bit. THE HOME: The property is pretty much exactly as pictured. The home is beautiful and modern and was exceptionally clean. It felt virtually brand new. There are some wonderful design touches, like the wooden ceiling fans, hide-away TVs, rainfall-showerheads, and more. The wi-fi was fast, the water pressure was solid, there are remote controls for virtually everything. Having the doors be operated by keypad was great – we never had to carry housekeys around. The kitchen was stocked with everything we could've possibly needed. And, of course, the views are stunning. The property manager was so responsive –replying to texts almost instantaneously, which was very appreciated. One thing that isn’t quite clear in the description is that the jacuzzi area in the pool isn’t a hot-tub jacuzzi – it’s just a seating area within the pool that has jets in it. THE LOCATION: The home is in a fairly remote gated community (Coral Estates), which is about half-way between the more developed eastern side of the island, and the more rustic western side of the island. We liked the quiet and remote aspect of the community, but you should know that most of the restaurants and things to do on the island will be at least a 20-40 minute drive. We also really enjoyed the amenities in the community - a beach with great snorkeling, a relaxing spa, 3 restaurants (try the tuna nut pizza and the pumpkin soup at the pizza restaurant!), all within easy walking distance. OPPORTUNITIES: There’s much to love, but there are also a few things that could be done to further elevate the guest experience: 1. There are safes in each bedroom, but they’re all very small. None would fit a laptop larger than 13”. Replacing these with larger safes would be very helpful. 2. In the afternoon, there is no shade on the patios. There are 2 umbrellas, but they provide little shade. Adding more umbrellas, sails, or tall potted plants would help a lot. 3. The sliding glass doors downstairs have no outside handle. So, there’s no way to close it if you go outside. Adding a handle would be good. 4. Finally, the house could use more comfortable seating – the current sofas aren’t very inviting to sit in – and a dining table outside on the patio would also be a very nice added touch. But, overall, it’s a great house, and we have no doubt you’ll enjoy your stay there!
Aufenthalt von 10 NĂ€chten im Juli 2022

8/10 – Gut

Adam K.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Beautiful Property
A beautiful house in a great location. Very central to most beaches in Curacao. Coral Reef Estates has many great amenities that you can take advantage of. My only complaint about this house is the strict limit on electricity usage. For one of the more expensive rental homes on the island, the electricity use limit is low. We felt that we could air condition the kitchen while cooking, run the dishwasher or do laundry due to the limitations. We also had 8 people the first part of the vacation and there is no extra electricity allowance for the number of people staying. I feel that it would be better to increase the rate by $20-30/day and remove the electricity limits so that people can enjoy their vacation without worrying about electricity usage. The property owners and managers are extremely kind/helpful. We left one of our child's stuffed animals and they offered to bring it to the airport or mail it to use at home. When a storm came through, they sent people over to prepare the property to ensure we were safe. Again, a beautiful property in a great location.
Aufenthalt von 14 NĂ€chten im Juni 2022

8/10 – Gut

Michael H.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Our Stay
Beautiful home and the resort amenities were really nice. One of the prettiest spots on the island. The owner communicated well and the Chef MO really made our meals and stay enjoyable. A few things need updated and repaired but nothing significant. We were all pleased and had a relaxing vacation. The ocean view cannot be beat.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Februar 2022

6/10 – Okay

Pedro M.

Escape & Embrace Tranquility
Property well located in security area, with amazing sea view and calm surroundings. Very friendly reception. None the less service was not as great as you can expect for such a pricy Villa. Attention to Details are overlooked, which impacts the overall experience. Great: *Location *Security *Tranquility *Sea View *Privacy *Spacious & Modern *Smart property, no keys *Snorkeling equipment available *Friendly reception *Amazing beaches nearby Not so great: *No Electricity for half a day & no access to control panel *No toaster *Villa gets to hot in the afternoon *Several coffee machines available but no capsules *Guests shouldn't be expected to buy basic products (trash bags, rinse and salt aid for the dishwasher); *Cleaning could definitely be better: - Kettle to heat the water was full of coffee from previous guests; - Coffee machine was not working properly; - Smelly bathrobes; - Dirty kitchenware & Tableware; Overall experience was good, but definitely not the best option for a couple as price will not match quality.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Juli 2021

10/10 – Hervorragend

johannes s.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Voor herhaling vatbaar.
Fantastische villa en locatie. Goeie communicatie met het management/eigenaar. Kinderen en kleinkinderen hebben optimaal genoten en ervaren deze villa/locatie als een van onze favoriete.
Aufenthalt von 9 NĂ€chten im MĂ€rz 2020

8/10 – Gut

Lori R.

Gut: Sauberkeit
Beautiful Home for Family Vacation
This home was wonderful for a family of 10. (5 couples) Each having their own bed/bathrooms made for privacy when needed. The kitchen table was wonderful for large meals and after dinner games. The views from this home are spectacular, especially the sunsets. Although we only went to Coral Estate’s beach once, it was clean, had friendly service, and has great snorkeling right off beach. Many other beautiful beaches to explore on Curaçao! House does get extremely hot during day while out exploring, and takes some time to cool off. Best to jump in pool for a bit with a cool cocktail while nighttime breeze cools the home. Proximity of home allows for quick access to stunning Westpunt beaches! ( best on the island) Owner VERY responsive to all questions and concerns! Look no further, reserve a spot in paradise today!
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im Oktober 2019

10/10 – Hervorragend

Kim S.

The property was amazing. It is in a perfect location to the beach and bar/dining. Very comfortable.
We had a very good time at this property. The owners are wonderful people and very easy to work with. It is located on a part of the island that is between and city nightlife and the gorgeous beaches. Perfect location! The accommodations at the villa are exactly as in the pictures. You will not be disappointed. The gated community is very safe. I ran a few miles each morning and never felt nervous. The guards at the gate are very friendly. The information desk at the resort was extremely informative. We would definitely rent this villa again.
Aufenthalt von 7 NĂ€chten im MĂ€rz 2019